For our group tour participants planning to register online, to ensure you meet the registration due date, we encourage everyone to register at your earliest convenience. Please do not leave this process until just prior to the registration due date. The payment is not processed upon registration, only on the deposit due dates as outlined on the tour information webpage.
Please do not attempt to register using a cell phone (from experience these devices do not work with our system) please use a regular computer or tablet.
Yes, we recommend you create a strong password versus using one word. Start with a sentence or a phrase and remove the spaces between the words, turn words into short forms or intentionally misspell a word, add length with numbers.
If registering more than one person but paying with separate credit cards or EFT accounts, you need to have a unique email address which is your username. If you do not have a second e-mail address, our suggestion is to set up a free e-mail address like Gmail or Hotmail.
If three people are travelling on the same tour, then one would need to register on their own with a different username and password.
Yes, you have 30 minutes to complete your registration.
- The Ellison Travel & Tours Credit Card system accepts card data over an industry standard encrypted secure sockets layer and stores data directly with Moneris Solutions using their card token system that keeps card data off Ellison systems and stored safely with Moneris.
- Credit card charges are disputable and customers at any of the big five Canadian banks (Royal Bank, Scotiabank, BMO, TD, CIBC) can seek protection in the event of fraud. This is also true at many credit unions. Ask your bank for details.
We accept Visa or Mastercard ONLY, our system does not accept foreign credit cards or bank accounts.
No, it has been our experience that the success rate of using a prepaid credit card has not been consistent. The bank has security features in place and these cards are best used for a one time payment, not multiple due dates like this system has.
You can pay with a Canadian Bank Account only, by entering your Bank Account #, Institution #, Transit #. Please do not enter your debit card #.
Unfortunately, our system does not accept these cards at this time.
Your payment will show as Ellison Travel & Tours.
Please make sure you have all your contact and payment information handy during the registration process. You cannot edit your payment details during the registration process.
Travellers will receive an email notification that their credit card is expiring 30 days prior to the expiration date, it is the client’s responsibility to update the billing information.
As a client, you can pull up the tour you have registered for by going to our website and choosing “Tour Login” at the very top right hand corner and selecting “Manage Account” on the drop down menu.
Enter your email address and password, click on “login” and you will now see the tour(s) you are registered for.
To edit existing payment details, click on “Payment Accounts” and then choose the green button called “edit”. If you wish to change your method of payment, click on the blue button called “create” and select either the credit card or direct deposit tab at the top to complete the information. Click on the blue button called “submit” in the bottom left hand corner when completed.
Please note this option is available to change your payment information at any time during the tour payments. For example: During the registration process you decide to enter your credit card details for the 2nd deposit amount and then for the 3rd deposit you would rather have the funds debited from your bank account.
We are pleased to let you know that our system allows the client to be able to log on and update the credit card information or change from paying with a credit card to the option of EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) or vice versa.
As a client, you can pull up the tour you have registered for by visiting and click login to your account in the upper right corner
Enter your email address and password, click on “login” and you will now see the tour(s) you are registered for.
To edit existing payment details, click on “Payment Accounts” and then choose the green button called “edit”. If you wish to change your method of payment, click on the blue button called “create” and select either the credit card or direct deposit tab at the top to complete the information. Click on the blue button called “submit” in the bottom left hand corner when completed.
Please note this option is available to change your payment information at any time during the tour payments. For example: During the registration process you decide to enter your credit card details for the 2nd deposit amount and then for the 3rd deposit you would rather have the funds debited from your bank account.
Yes, after you complete the registration process by entering your credit card number or EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) you will receive an e-mail thanking you for registering for the tour.
Ellison Travel & Tours is here to help you through the process. You can reach us by email at or by calling 1-800-265-7022 between the hours of 8:30am and 5:00pmEST, Monday to Friday. It is our recommendation that you register immediately upon receipt of this information.
When someone registers after payment due dates, the outstanding payments will be collected at 4am the following morning. Due to the delay in collecting the payment your statement will show the outstanding balance being added to the next scheduled due date. Once the payment is actually processed at 4am, you will be caught up to the payment schedule and your statement will then read correctly.
No, once your registration has been successful our system handles the charges based on the payment plan option indicated during the registration process.
Yes, once you register you have access to your statement so you can log on and see information such as payment due dates and amounts. Go to and click “login” to your account in the upper right corner. You are responsible for remembering your user name and password as this is confidential information and Ellison Travel & Tours does not have access to your password.
Yes, you will receive an email notifying you that the payment was successful.
EFT or Electronic Funds Transfer option is for payment from your Canadian Bank Account by providing your bank account #, transit # and institution #. When you choose this option please allow two business days for the charge to appear on your bank statement.
In the event that a payment is returned NSF the client will be contacted to resolve the issue and determine when the system can attempt to take the payment again. Please note there is a $40.00 service fee (plus GST/HST) for NSF transactions and may result in cancelled reservations and a halt to the booking process.
- The Ellison EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer) system accepts bank account data over an industry standard encrypted secure sockets layer and goes beyond to use separate encryption keys (some of the most secure encryption available guaranteeing random output of the same data each time) to store bank account information.
- Account numbers are never stored in the clear and all transmissions to our processor Bank of Montreal are also over an industry standard secure sockets layer.
- The Ellison server system is housed in Amazon Web Services (the same systems that power some of the worlds largest web sites and systems including SAP, NASDAQ, Etsy, Ticketmaster, PBS, Adobe, Dow Jones, LinkedIn, and many others) in a physically secure facility which itself meets and exceeds aggressive physical and network security standards by the payment industry.
- EFT, similar to credit card processing, is disputable and customers at any of the big five Canadian banks (Royal Bank, Scotiabank, BMO, TD, CIBC) can seek protection in the event of fraud. This is also true at many credit unions. Ask your bank for details.
These extra fees or credits will be added to your online account as soon as we receive notification from the group leader, school or tour planner.